Code Web WordPress

Changing the default WordPress email sender

It’s not uncommon to want to change the email sender that WordPress sets automatically, especially in e-commerce situations. It’s actually really easy to do by adding a couple of filters in your theme’s functions.php file:

/** change the default WordPress email sender */
add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'my_mail_from');
add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'my_mail_from_name');

function my_mail_from($email) {
return '';
function my_mail_from_name($name) {
return 'Customer Service';

Shopp Web Work

Elavon Gateway Requires ‘ssl_customer_code’ for American Express

After building an Elavon gateway for Shopp, one of my clients reported an error saying that they were getting an error whenever one of their customers tried to pay with an American Express card. The error code was 4009 – Required Field Not Supplied, and the required field was “ssl_customer_code” which according to the developer guide is not required.

Elavon ssl_customer_code is NOT required
‘ssl_customer_code’ is NOT required… Or is it?

I’d email Elavon to let them know about the problem, but I’ve never gotten an email response from their tech support (even after talking to one of their support staff on the phone, who asked me to email him directly).

The easiest fix is to include ssl_customer_code on all transactions, even though it’s only used in  American Express transactions and (maybe?) recurring billing transactions. I hope this helps someone.